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Somehow a loud-mouthed, vulgar, orange alleged billionaire not only won the Republican nomination, but also the election. The man with possibly the most fragile ego on Twitter managed to win the highest office in the land.
If you have kids prepare to explain to them that at some point in American history we voted (well the Electoral College did) into office a man who uttered the words “you can grab them by the pussy” in reference to women. If you have daughters, well you’ll have to either denounce that statement for what it is, or like the rest of the Trump supporters, find some sort of justification or excuse to downplay it, such as, “well, he was only 59 at the time.”
Also, have a good explanation for why we decided to go with the candidate who was enthusiastically endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. If you are a minority of any kind or have friends or relatives who are, this is another time when it's good to have a handy-dandy excuse ready. Maybe, “we felt as a nation that racists were also underrepresented.”
The about-to-be most powerful man in the world ran on a campaign that espoused sexual assault, denied climate change and the benefits of vaccines, stoked fears of foreigners in a nation founded and built by immigrants, and advocated violence at his own rallies. Let that sink in. Then realize that as far as we know life only exists on Earth, so that also makes him the most powerful man in the known universe.
That guy. That’s the guy we decided should be in charge of our nation.