Mark Stegeman's TUSD is having a lot of issues and has been for a while now. The latest is with newcomer TUSD board member Rachael Sedgwick being a smart ass and telling a constituent that "white supremacy rules". She then went on the news and apologized? I think. By saying she was "not joking", but simply being facetious. Coming from a school district that was not too friendly to ethnic studies in a town with a large Hispanic population, that just is not the statement you want to hear from a board member of said school district. This on the heels of the possible firing of Hispanic Superintendent H. T. Sanchez, a move which has been spearheaded by Sedgewick. Many refer to her as being on team "StegeHicks". Walks like duck and sounds like one, to me. Much like the Michael Hicks debacle, I was immediately hit with inspiration and decided that maybe an image was needed. Well, here it is feel to spread it around and share it on the internets or download the PDF and print yourself a nice protest poster to take to one of the TUSD board meetings. Somebody call Comedy Central.

stegeman_puppet_show_for_print.pdf |